Me, You, and Food.

A photo project by Levi Spurlock


I never paid attention to the waste that my meals would produce. I would go out and eat food with my friends like everyone else. Laughs were had and memories were made. We would go all over Nashville enjoying our favorite restaurants.

One thing that I often didn't think about, however, is the trash that is left behind after our meals.

Then one day I we went to one of our favorite spots and it hit me. I wonder how much food-based trash people throw away. Normally, I wouldn't think about this kind of thing. I would eat my food, throw away my trash, then move on with my day.

But on this day, I had noticed that the trash cans were particularly full. It was so full that the trash was overflowing over the tops of the cans and hitting the floor.


Thus, this project was born! I decided that it would be fruitful to bring this issue to people's mind through photography. Although it is not complete in my eyes, I would like to take you through this interesting journey so far.


At the start of this project, I didn't really know what direction I wanted to take it. I wasn't sure what kind of pictures to take or what places I should focus in on. Beyond this, I didn't have any experience in food photography. So, I decided to first begin with taking some typical glamor shots of food.


However, this isn't exactly what I wanted to be taking photos of. From here I started to think about the other places that food waste had an impact on. This led me to my local super market, where I had the idea to take these glamor shots of the food that was going to be thrown out for being on the shelves too long.



After taking photos of the smashed cake that was soon to be thrown out, I decided that I should take some photos of some food that really reveals its current age. This quickly lead me to the fruit isle at my local grocery store.



I hope that soon our lives will go back to normal so I can continue to work on this project and get it towards a more finished state. As of now, I am not completely pleased' with the current state of the project, but there is always time to improve! I just hope that you have enjoyed this little project and I hope that you come back and check in soon.

Thank you for your time.